Have you heard about the 14 year-old who drinks gasoline? The story is linked here from the Shanghai Daily. Apparently this kid has been drinking gasoline for five years to be like his heroes from the Transformers cartoon series and movies. He has been stealing gasoline and lighter fluid from his parents for years now, and the continual drinking and huffing has caused him to have some mental and physical problems. I have three points to make about this, so I hope your listening, Mic.
- The boy was drinking leaded gasoline. I thought that stuff was gone! Unleaded gasoline is what Transformers drink anyways. I've been drinking unleaded gasoline for about 15 years now, usually a glass at dinner, and nothing has happened to me so far. I'm just your normal, average, bubbly, giddy, giggly, Disney-obsessed, young woman.
- The boy stole gasoline. Come on! If you're going to start a habit, you need to have a job to support it. Since gasoline prices have gone down here in the Midwest, it's a lot cheaper to drink a glass a day. But I had to get a job with the hotline to support my addiction to Monster energy drinks. How else do you think I stay so chipper throughout the day and when I have to whip the tutors at the hotline into submission. Service with a smile!
- Lastly, the article describes that the new Transformers movie has broken records in China, ones held previously by Titanic. Now we all know how much I love that movie, but I will digress. Transformers, on the other hand, sucks to no end! How in the world can more people see that garbage than Titanic? Maybe this kid saw the Transformers movie so many times that he himself broke the record. That's how I did it with Titanic. I wasn't seen or heard from for two weeks straight!
-Liz <:-)