Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cubee Craft...More Like Cutie Craft!

Dear Diary,
I think I might have found the cutest craft idea ever! They're modular, cubist characters from a lot of pop culture references. For instance, I saw some Cartoon Network references, Billy Mays, and even some anime (yecht!). My favorite, though, has to be Longcat, as pictured below.

Now diary, in case you don't know, Longcat is very long, and shouldn't be confused with his arch nemesis, Tacgnol. Just do a search for it to find out more. Maybe you'll find that huge picture that would take like 30 pages to print, scaled down! The beauty of this Cubee Longcat is that for the midsection, you can put in as many blocks as you want to print. You can make him look like a regular cat, or as long as you want him to be. I want to make this one at least three stories tall! I'm not paying for the paper, right? There you go. The website is, with Longcat residing here.

Try it for yourself, Diary, and we'll compare who has the steadier hand at cutting! I'm at first-grade level. What are you, preschool? Oooh!

-Liz :D

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