Friday, October 3, 2008

The Symphony Is in Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!

Dear Diary,
The other night, Mic and I went to the symphony orchestra in town. It was a delight! Mic and I got to dress up for it and everything! Actually, I got to lay out Mic's clothes for him to dress up. The show was really good, but I can't say it was wonderful, because the pianist ruined the entire evening. Oh no, she didn't hit any wrong notes - no, she was wearing red high heeled pumps with a yellow dress! ECH!!! I've tried to make some things work before, but this should have been struck down initially. I mean, seriously, what went through this "professional's" mind as she sized herself up in the mirror before she left the house? Oh, this looks fantastic! Seriously, think of others when you're up in front of a crowd. I should know, since I have done two, yes, TWO, live TV interviews. Of course, the hotline told me what I had to wear, but still, my colors coordinated. This pianist had no clue of the offense she committed. I don't care if she is the best pianist in the state, she shouldn't be such an eyesore to the entire symphony. I know I couldn't enjoy any of it, because of her. Let's try to be considerate!
It's a good thing I coordinate your colors, Diary.
-Liz :)

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