Saturday, September 13, 2008

PETA, Line 1

Dear Diary,
Okay, so I was forced to watch Man vs. Wild again this week. Since this episode was about South Dakota, I didn't think that this would be that bad of an episode, but couldn't have been more wrong. I started watching the episode at about the time Bear used cat entrails for insulation from the cold of the Dakota nights. How gross can you get, Bear? Seriously, what did cats ever do to you? Personally, I adore cats, and when something/someone close to my heart gets hurt, I go ballistic. PETA will be giving you a call, Mr. Grylls. You have my word on that.
And while I have them on the phone, I'll just inform PETA about that rattlesnake you murdered! Meat is murder! What was the worst that snake was going to do to you? You didn't even notice that snake; your camera man had to point it out to you, Mr. British Special Forces.
Diary, you don't mistreat animals, do you?
-Liz :(
UPDATE: Okay, so apparently I misheard the show the other night, because Bear didn't use cat entrails, but cattails for insulation against the cold of the Dakota nights. Sorry Bear, but you might be getting a visit from PETA soon; I already made the call. Apparently I am not the only one who thinks low of Bear Grylls and all the poor animals he eats. *sigh*

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