Monday, July 28, 2008


Dear Diary,
Boy, what a weekend! I may have seen everything, now. So I was at a baseball game, trying to lie low for the day, and I was surprised just how much I really enjoyed myself. I had never been to a baseball game in my life, besides the kids and church league games. I really didn't know what to think at first. I was expecting more violence, like at a football game or a European soccer match. That guy who head-butted that other guy last year was scary. So I went to the game prepared for the worst, making sure I had a bullet-proof vest on before arriving. The game went pretty well: the players hit a lot of runs and the competition was good. But by the seventh down (or inning?), this one guy had a fumble and interception in one play. I almost got out of my seat when this drunk loser behind me started yelling at the quarterback and shortstop. I just hoped that he wouldn't try and get down into our endzone and beat both of them up!
After that incident, things cooled down, and then I saw the coolest thing ever: a plane carrying a banner behind it! It was kind of cool, but it was advertising SkyDog Wines. Yuck! Wine sure smells nasty. I've never tasted it, but I've heard it just plain sucks. But it did have a cute logo: a dog with a rocket pack on its back. Just the cartoon in itself made me want to buy, since I'm a kid a heart. WHOOSH! Just by drinking the wine, maybe I'll be able to fly too, or is that Red Bull? I can't remember, but it would be super cool to fly in that plane with the banner and imagine that I'm in a parade.
Diary, don't get trashed now, that you know about this new wine marketed to children.
-Liz 8^O

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