Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Puzzle Pirates - Eegats!

Dear Diary,

I was surfing the internet the other day, when I found perhaps the dumbest game I've ever laid eyes on: Puzzle Pirates.

Oh, Diary, where do I begin? I've never thought that playing games was a good way to pass the time, but this takes it to a whole new dimension. I don't see why people want to play this game, seriously. It claims to be the biggest and most fun MMORPG on the internet. First, I had to look up what MMORPG. It was like trying to look up what "ROFL" means! After looking up the acronymn, I decided the game wasn't for me, since I don't like spending much, if any, time on the internet. Plus, you don't know who is playing alongside you at all, Diary. I could be playing with people from Europe, and that just makes me uncomfortable for some reason. I don't want to have strange people from foreign countries in my own room! It's just the thought of it! I mean, when I'm awake, shouldn't they be in bed? Don't they have lives? I guess not.

As it turns out, Puzzle Pirates is made and run by Three Rings, the same gaming company that Mic works for. I really don't know if I can look at him the same after finding out that he plays a game with people all over the world. Eegatts, I doubt if I'll ever be able to use his computer again, let alone open an email from him, because everybody knows that all computer viruses come from outside the country. I mean, it's only common sense. Those people who do that are just big meanies. I just hope that they don't find a way to hurt Mic's computer, because I just put a nice wallpaper on it the other day, as I've pasted below.

Oh, Diary, what would I do if this picture was erased from Mic's computer?  Well, I'd just have to do it again on a new one. Strange, though, he doesn't talk about it at all. I'll have to ask him about it, that is, if I won't get a virus just from asking about it. Oh, Mic, why do you have to play that dumb game? Just because it's your job doesn't mean you have to play it. Just be careful!

Diary, I don't think you can get a virus just by him reading you, so I think you're safe.

-Liz 8-|

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