Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh No, Not Charlie the Unicorn 2!!

Dear Diary,

I think I just did what Mic calls a "face-palm". Here's a picture illustrating my point:

In other words, I just found out that there is a Charlie the Unicorn 2. Oh my. Just so you won't have to find out on your own, Diary, I've included the video in this entry. Please don't hate me for it, but it's better that you find out through me as opposed to the world introducing it to you. You'll understand later on, I'll bet.

Just to warn you though, there is a song that will probably want to make you say a naughty word, so resist the urge, just like I did. In fact, here's a link to the song's download page at

I trust you won't say anything dirty after watching this video, Diary, or I just won't talk to you anymore.

-Liz :-)

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