Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bear Grylls = EWWW!!!

Dear Diary,

You know that I'm not into the outdoors much, but apparently Mic was not informed. He said that there was this show on Discovery Channel that was incredible: Man vs. Wild, with host Bear Grylls. Why did my first episode have to be the episode entitled "Bear Eats". Yes, Diary, this was a half-hour of some crazed British gentleman survival-enthusiast eating the most disgusting things. I've included pictures for you to see, Diary.

The first thing that got me was Bear eating raw fish. I mean, he didn't even cook it! I know some people in the Far East eat raw fish all the time, but I never would!

Something else he ate was a dead zebra that had been hunted by lions or something...RAW. I don't even want to think about it again. I might throw up, so Diary, you may want to look away.

Also, he was in the desert and obviously got thirsty. I mean, why did he not take water with him? If I were going to be traveling anywhere in Africa, I would most definitely take water. What a silly man! So because he "forgot" his water, he had to get a drink from a dead camel's stomach! ECH! "That's horribly disgusting," is what I think he said after that. No duh! On another trip, he squeezed water from elephant..."dung". (Slight shiver) What would drive a man to do that? Surely there are convenience stores over there where he could buy a bottled water. He didn't have any money? Oh, Diary, I'll loan him some, then. Truthfully, I don't see how his family can stand to kiss him, knowing what's been in his mouth.

Finally, Diary, if that didn't make you sick, this will. Apparently Bear doesn't travel with a heater when he knows he's going to be in really cold places, like Alaska or New York City (Which he hasn't been there in a show, I don't think. I'm being silly!). So instead of turning on his SUV for heat or something, he...pees in a bottle. WWHHYY?? Yeah, that stuff is warm and all, but I would never do it! That's gross and dirty! He didn't even use hand sanitizer afterwards! He could get all sorts of germs by not washing his hands after using the restroom, especially in his water bottle. That's another thing, if he's going to be in snow, why bring a water bottle? He could have brought a heater and been better off.

So, Diary, needless to say, I don't think I'll watch Man vs. Wild again. It was just too gross for me. I'll stick with What Not to Wear on TLC. I just love that Clinton character. But I regress, Mic has a need to be manly and macho, just as I have a need to be womanly and...well, myself.

Oh, Mic wanted me to paste this in, since he knew I'd be writing about Bear. I don't get it, but if it makes him laugh, it can't be that bad.

We'll have a TLC girls night here soon, Diary. You're invited.

-Liz :-}

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