Monday, July 7, 2008

Alternate History?

Dear Diary,

This should be the last entry for a while that I let Mic have a say in. Personally, I don't know where he got this one, but it is silly. Sometimes he really makes me laugh, but I don't know of very many people who are in to Star Wars like him. He says that if this were the reality during WWII, it would have awesome. I just say, "WWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY!?"

From Mic: One does not simply "tank cat" into Mordor. Whatever that means, Diary.

-Liz 9: )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't believe this is published as alternative history. The Rebel Alliance fought numerous battles over the years using aquatic landing devices to fight the Empire on a heavily armored beach.