Saturday, December 27, 2008

Comments Are Great

Dear Diary,
Well, apparently people are reading my blog, and obviously they are of the highest calibre. I allow my readership to rate my entries on a star system, as well as post anonymous comments on my individual entries. If you venture to look at the entry, "My Thoughts on the Jonas Brothers" you'll see two comments, reproduced here:
THE JONAS BROTHERS are the BEST band EVER there is nothing to dislike about them.and FYI HATERS you guys are probaly jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW joe nick and kevin are HOTTER then aLL THE GUYS who hate them JONAS BROTHERS ROCK THEY are the HOTTEST GUYS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the JONAS BROTHERS are the HOTTEST guys EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I promised Mic that I would be nice, and I will, but all I want to say is that I have proven my point. Thank you, dear reader, for you comments. I will treasure them in my heart always, and possibly in my humor as well. You have shown me that I will continue in my current path, speaking my version of the truth.
You are doing your job well, Diary. Would you like a ginger snap?
-Liz <3


Dear Diary,
I'm sorry that I haven't written in you for a while now. I know you feel neglected, but I'll think of something nifty to make it up to you. Do you like Nerf guns? I may have easy access to one...
Anyways, the reason for not writing in you sooner than now is that I've been trying to figure out where all these cups from the pizza place on campus are coming from! There's a stack of like over nine thousand cups here! You think I'm kidding, but trust me, Diary, I'm not. You might recognize the logo:
I like the pizza from this place, but I don't want this many cups. You might ask, "Why not throw them away?" My reply: I can't fix the problem until I know who to blame it on. It looks to me like I need to talk to Mic and see if he's been going there more than he's telling me. (I try to keep a log of the number of calories he takes in, since he's been pushing the 12,000 calorie daily limit.) I sure hope they're not from underpants gnomes, even though they only work in underpants for the profit. It's probably my boys, to tell you the truth. They're always picking up some new fad, even if it means putting more cups in my room than I would ever care to have in my possession. I wouldn't put it past them.
You aren't thirsty by chance, are you, Diary?
-Liz :)